Digital self-registration
Help and guidance for self-registration.
Digital self-registration
NB! The timing of when response will be reviewed varies. If you as a patient have an urgent need for assistance, you need to contact your treatment centre or GP directly during working hours. If you need assistance during evening or weekends, contact your local Emergency Room.
As an ordinary part of the public health service, your health information is collected. The purpose is to obtain information in order to adapt correct health care.
As a parent, other relative or teacher, you may also be asked to fill out forms regarding your health information.
For privacy reasons, most of this is now done through a secure digital self-registration in CheckWare. As a patient, you will be asked to answer some information together with your doctor or therapist.
Sometimes you may be asked to fill in the form via Digital self-registration before starting treatment. If so, you will be informed of this from your doctor or therapist. Login and procedure will be similar. Contact your doctor or therapist if you have been asked to use Digital Self-Registration before starting treatment and have questions about this.
NB! The timing of when response will be reviewed varies. If you as a patient have an urgent need for assistance, you need to contact your treatment centre or GP directly during working hours. If you need assistance during evening or weekends, contact your local Emergency Room.
You will be notified by your doctor or therapist if you are going to use Digital Self-Registration while you are being assessed or receiving treatment in the public health service. As a parent, other relative or teacher, you may also be asked to fill out forms. For questions about the actual login – see: "About digital self-registration" on this website.
NB! The timing of when response will be reviewed varies. If you as a patient have an urgent need for assistance, you need to contact your treatment centre or GP directly during working hours. If you need assistance during evening or weekends, contact your local Emergency Room.
To ensure the quality of our treatment offer, you will sometimes be asked to complete the Digital Self-Registration for a period after the course of treatment has ended. If this is the case, you will be informed by your doctor or therapist. Please contact your doctor or therapist if you have any questions about this.